SNAP e-learning

E-learning System For Hearing Impaired Students

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Research Scope

This section contains domain details of SNAP e-learning

Literature Survey

In the year 2020 the World encountered a Global Pandemic Problem with the spread of COVID-19 virus. This pandemic situation transformed many of the industries to Online basis with the use of Internet. This new transformation of Industries to Online was quickly adapted by the people around the globe. One such sector which transformed to Online was the education sector where students started learning through online platforms.

Even though this transformation was effective in continuing the learning some group of people encountered lots of difficulties compared to traditional learning. One such group of people is the Hearing-Impaired people. In the author states that the study made by WHO had suggested that approximately 466 million of total population around the world has some sort of hearing deficiency in 2018. This is a total of 6.1% of the world’s population. Out of this 432 million are adults and 34 million are children.

Research Gap

In relation to the literature surveys that were conducted for the module of text-to-sign language conversion, few research gaps were discovered and listed below:

• Communication gap between hearing impaired students and tutors

• No low light enhancement and Captioning for eLearning system

• No proper e-learning system for hearing-impaired community

• Existing systems only have recorded videos of sign language representation which takes additional human effort.

• Hearing-impaired community couldn't clear their doubts using any e-learning system.

Research Problem

There is no LMS on teaching sign language.

The sign language tutors are lack of knowledge in teaching online platform.

Lack of dataset for sign language.

Collecting a considerable amount of dataset takes time.


Main Objective

Solving communication and learning barrier between tutors and hearing-impaired students through learning Management System.

Specific Objective

Changing physical learning environment to virtual environment for hearing impaired students

Motivating hearing-impaired students to adapt virtual learning.

Improving Engagement of hearing-impaired students in Web contents.

Providing hearing-impaired students to involve in clearing their doubts through Sign Language


Video Enhancement

Automatic low light detection using proposed algorithm

Automatic low light enhancement

Automatic captioning for uploaded video

American Sign Language to Text

Video pre-processing

Building a model for identifying sign language.

Fine-tune text and make it a meaningful sentence.

Text to American Sign Language

Converting extracted caption into ASL grammar using NLP

Automating ASL video conversation using string matching algorithm

Converting text into ASL video

Teach American Sign Language

Building a model using CNN to interpret signs

Checking the accuracy of the user's hand image

Creating an API to fetch the identified letters


Research Milestone

This section has details about SNAP e-Learning project

 06 - 03 - 2021 

Üyelik Tipini Seçerek Kayıt Olun

Project Proposal - 12%

Presentation: 6% | Proposal Report: 6%

The explanation how individual components are developing within the year to achieve the final research product.

Progress Presentation I  - 15%

Presentation: 10% | Report: 5%

A live demonstration with a presentation to justify the 50% completeness of the research product.

 06 - 06 - 2021 

Neye İhtiyacınız Varsa Belirtin

 15 - 10 - 2021 

Size Uygun Teklifi Seçin

Progress Presentation II  - 18%

Presentation: 12% | Code Evaluation: 6%

A live demonstration with a presentation to justify the 90% completeness of the research product.


The video-captured demonstration to present the final view of the completed research product.

 15 - 10 - 2021 

Piyasa Analizi Yaptırın

 24 - 11 - 2021 

Size Uygun Teklifi Seçin

Final Assessment   - 29%

Presentation: 10% | Final Reports: 19%

The final detailed demonstration of the product which was done as the last stage of the research.

Viva  - 37%

PP I: 15% | PP II: 12% | Final Presentation: 10%

The questionnaire session with the research panel based on the flow of the research, SNAP e-Learning.

 24 - 11 - 2021 

Neye İhtiyacınız Varsa Belirtin

Research Document

This section includes already-produced documents and the documents which are pending to produce.

Project Charter Document

The formal documentation which used to share the understanding of the project’s scope, development, and objectives, while defining the roles and responsibilities of    each member involved. 

Proposal Document

A detailed documentation which gives an idea to the audience of what problems SNAP  intends to address and the methods through which intend to achieve the goal. This describes desired product's results and several quality constraints.

Research Log Book

An online record book which used to record daily meetings conducted with supervisor and co-supervisor regarding the research's works. The daily updates in the GitLab accounts were also reported with the intension of tracking the improvements in the future.

Status Document I

Status Document-I was maintained individually while containing all the details about the current progress of each individual component. To prove the progresses the Gantt charts, WBSs, components' milestones and the details of the meetings with the supervisor were presented.

Research Paper

The research paper submitted by the team to an international conference. This paper dicusses the main aspects of the research and specific research. The submitted paper mainly contains four components of each individual research area of our members.

Final Reports

Five detailed documentations contain information about the overall product and it's 4 main components respectively. Each report evaluates how the research was executed, being honest and objective.

Research Presentations

This section contains all the slides of presentations based on the research.

Proposal Presentation

A demonstration of individual components are developing within the year to achieve the final research product

Progress Presentation 1

A live demonstration with a presentation to justify the 50%

Progress Presentation 2

A live demonstration with a presentation to justify the 90%

Final Presentation

The final detailed demonstration of the product which was done as the last stage of the research.

Our Amazing Team

Dr. Kalpani Manathunga


Ms. Samanthi E.R Siriwardana











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